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20/5/2010 - Majlis Bacaan Yasin, Tahlil & Doa Selamat & Sesi Bertemu 9M2...

Astra Tengah akan menganjurkan Majlis Bacaan Yaasin, Tahlil dan Doa Selamat serta Sesi bertemu 9M2 (bagi SWL) seperti di bawah:
Hari: Sabtu 22/5/2010
Masa: Solat Isya' berjemaah dan Program seterusnya..
Lokasi: Tanamera, Sg Buloh (+3° 13' 20.05", +101° 29' 40.06")
Calling Channel: 9M4RBC, V20, V44
1) Sesiapa yang ingin untuk menyertai dan berhajat untuk saudara mara, sila kemukakan nama mereka kepada 9W2MDY (Pak Madi - 012-3982577) atau 9W2KIZ (Azman - 019-2664660).
2) Bagi SWL beberapa 9M2 akan hadir bersama untuk menyertai program ini. Bagi sesiapa yang ingin mendapatkan tandatangan Class A , boleh hadir bersama..Derma ikhlas dari anda amat bererti untuk mengisi Tabung Repeter & Tabung Kebajikan. Jika terdapat lebih 10 orang SWL yang akan hadir, kami akan menjemput Pesuruhjaya Sumpah untuk hadir bersama. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh dikemukakan kepada 9M2GTR ( Faizal - 012-3109869).
What is Quebec Romeo Papa
There is not complete agreement on what constitutes QRP power. While most QRP enthusiasts agree that for CW, AM, FM, and data modes, the transmitter output power should be 5watts (or less), the maximum output power for SSB (single sideband) is not always agreed upon. Some believe that the power should be no more than 10 watts peak envelope power (PEP), while others strongly hold that the power limit should be 5 watts. QRPers are known to use even less than five watts, sometimes operating with as little as 100 milliwatts or even less. Extremely low power—1 watt and below—is often referred to by hobbyists as QRPp.
Communicating using QRP can be difficult since the QRPer must face the same challenges of radio propagation faced by amateurs using higher power levels, but with the inherent disadvantages associated with having a weaker signal on the receiving end, all other things being equal. QRP aficionados try to make up for this through more efficient antenna systems and enhanced operating skills.
QRP is especially popular with CW operators and those using the newer digital modes. PSK31 is a highly efficient, narrow-band mode that is very suitable to QRP operation.
Majlis Bacaan Yaasin & Doa Selamat buat 9W2KMT
Astra Tengah menganjurkan Majlis Bacaan Yaasin dan Doa Selamat buat 9W2KMT - Kang Mat (http://9w2kmt.blogspot.com/)yang sedang terlantar sakit tenat di Wad ICU, Hosp. Tunku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang seperti dibawah:
Tarikh: 10/5/2010
Tempat: Residen Pengurus Negeri 9W2MDY - Pak Mahadi
No10 jalan petola3,24/8c
40300,shah alam ,selangor
Latitude: 3.040862 (3° 2' 27'' N)
Longitude:101.516740 (101° 31' 0'' E)
Masa: 8:30pm (selepas Isya')
Semua rakan2 amatur, SWL dan orang perseorangan dijemput hadir bersama untuk mendoakan keselamatan dan kesihatan beliau dan keluarga. Terima kasih. Wassalam...
Tahniah AJK Baru Astra Tengah WPKL - Selangor - WP Putra Jaya 2010-2011
Tim Pengurus: 9M2 GTR
S/usaha: 9W2 ZLZ
Pen S/u: 9W2 WPC
Bendahari: 9W2 VOL
Biro Repeater: 9W2 EEE
Biro Perlesenan/Peperiksaan: 9W2 AKY
Biro Kebajikan: 9W2 KIZ
Biro Siaraya/Penerangan: 9W2 CYB
Biro Adec: 9W2 GOD
Biro Wanita: 9W2 JSJ
Pemegang Amanah: 9W2 RES
Penasihat: 9W2 YR
Juru Audit: 9W2 AGC / 9W2 JIZ
Public Comments on the Draft Reviewed Spectrum Plan (mySpectrum Plan 2010
Pihak MCMC mengalu-alukan komen/pendapat anda semua 9w2, 9m2 atau individu dalam "Public Comments on the Draft Reviewed Spectrum Plan (mySpectrum Plan 2010)"
Sumbangkan pendapat/komen anda semua untuk memajukan lagi Radio Amator ini Khususnya di Malaysia
Sila layari website MCMC dimana semua dokumen dan procedure telah di sediakan
How To Become A Radio Amateur Operator In Malaysia
There are 3 types of ASAA under Amateur Radio category.
a) Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment (Class A);
b) Amateur Station Apparatus Assignment (Class B); and
c) Amateur Repeater Station
To apply for an ASAA the applicant has to fill in the following forms.
a) Application for Apparatus Assignment(s) (Amateur Service) form for ASAA (Class A & B); or
b) Application for Apparatus Assignment(s) (Mobile Service) form for Amateur Repeater Station.
The validity period for ASAA is between three months to five years.
Eligibility for ASAA Application
To be eligible for ASAA application, applicant must meet the following conditions.
a) Over 14 years of age for ASAA Class B and 18 years and above for ASAA Class A. Applicants under 21 years will be required to present consent from their parent, guardian or any other approved person who shall be responsible for the observance of the conditions of the applicants to countersigned their application.
b) A Malaysian citizens or citizens of countries who have a reciprocal arrangement with our country.
c) Hold an AROC Class A or B or in lieu, a copy of Examination results issued by the MCMC.
The Examination
There are two types of examination pertaining to amateur radio: a) Radio Amateur Examination (RAE); and b) Morse Codes Test (CW Test).
Both examinations are conducted by the MCMC.
Radio Amateur Examination (RAE)
The RAE is a written examination on the following topics:
a) The fundamental theory of electricity, electronics and radiocommunications;
b) The theory and operation of any amateur radio equipment including the antenna systems, transmission lines, transistors, amplitude and frequency modulation and single sideband techniques;
c) The regulations made under the Act which is applicable to the establishment and operation of a station performing an amateur experimental service; and
d) The ITU Radio Regulations applicable to the operation of a station performing an amateur experimental service and those provisions relating to the operation of stations generally.
The RAE comprises 100 objective questions. Candidates are given three hours to answer all questions. No marks are deducted for a wrong answer.
Morse Codes Test
The Morse Code (CW) test is a practical test that measure skill of the following proficiencies;
a) An ability to send message correctly on a radiotelegraph key, semi-automatic key or an electronic hand key for three consecutive minutes at a speed of not less than 12 words per minute in plain language, including figures, punctuation marks, —Q“ signals and emergency signals in the international Morse Codes; and
b) An ability to receive message correctly by ear and write legibly or type for not less than three consecutive minutes at a speed of not less than 12 words a minute in plain language including figures, punctuation marks, —Q“ signals and emergency signals in the international Morse Codes.
In CW sending tests, applicant must be able to send 36 words (averaging five letters per word) in plain language within three minutes or equivalent to a speed of 12 words per minute without uncorrected error. A maximum of four errors as well as four corrections are allowed. In sending figures, 10 five-figure groups are to be sent in 1.5 minutes without uncorrected error. A maximum of two corrections are allowed.
In CW receiving tests, applicant is required to receive 36 words (averaging five letters per word) in plain language in three minutes, and 10 five-figure groups in 1.5 minutes. Each letter or figure incorrectly received counts as one error. A word in which more than one letter is incorrectly received counts as two errors. A maximum of four errors in plain language and a maximum of two errors in the figure test are allowed.
How to Apply for the Examination
The examination will be held from time to time. The actual date and venue for the examination will be specified by the MCMC. The notice or announcement will be made through a public notice in the local press and electronics media available. The notice will detail the terms and conditions, application procedures, payment mode and other related matters pertaining to the examination.
Examination fee
The fee for the examinations are as followed.
Radio Amateur Examination (RAE)
RM 50.00
Morse Code Test
RM 50.00
The examination fee is not refundable to any candidates who withdraw from or fail to attend the examination. The fee cannot be transferred from one examination to another at a later date or from one candidate to another.
Minimum Age Requirement for the Examination
The minimum age limit for candidate to sit is 14 years for the RAE and 18 years for CW. This is due to take into consideration of the responsibility required to operate a higher power transmission and privileges accorded to a Class A amateur station operator.
Reference from Guideline Amateur Radio Service Malaysia